Lay Aside the Weight
Hebrews 12 begins with a call for us to first realised what we have (Seeing we are compassed with so great a cloud of witnesses), second, to lay aside the weighty things (let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and (3) persist in the race set before us (and let us run with patience the race that is set before us). Eagles are fearless and will attempt to take down small and large animals, but it cannot fly for long distance with weight which throws out its balance in the air. This is because the eagles ability to soar to great heights is inextricably tied to its weight. Though the eagle boast close to 7000 feathers, its actual skeletal system weights in at less than half the weight of its feathers. Importantly also, the bones of the eagle are hollow, which greatly contributes to its lightweight and agility in flight. Although the eagle could mass between 8 and 16 pounds, and is large when compared to most other birds, yet its design for flight involves a careful load balance, otherwise take off and light could prove impossible. Similarly, we as eagle saints cannot run with weights. We cannot lug around excess baggage if we intend to run this race successfully. Additionally, we cannot attain to the lofty heights with extra burden, we need to lay them aside. The weight of malice, the weight of bitterness, the weight of envy, the weight of hatred, the weight of impurity, the weight of fornication, the weight of adultery, the weight of idolatry, the weight of other sins and sinful traits must all be cut loose. Understand that soar necessitates lightness, holding on to hurts and feelings of distress, will cause the eagle-Christian to wander around unable to lift off. It will bring us down to lower plains, for which we are not designed, causing us to carelessly be preyed upon. #WhereOnlyEaglesDare Dr Claudette King
Hubby placed some seeds in the back garden. There were grass seeds, as you can see, our back garden is lacking of grass and so to embark on a replenishing work, he scattered the seeds all over the garden. Not too long after, the birds had a very different idea. Thew swooped down and literally had a field day. On watching this from the kitchen window, I grabbed my phone and snapped some shots and then it hit me, seeds must be sown. We are the seed of the Kingdom, we ought to take care how we are sown. Don't just be a surface seed. Jesus taught us about the farmer who sowed. The seed on the ground was carried away by birds. That is because they were only surface deep. They were not in the ground but simply on it. They were not covered by the blood or presence of Jesus Christ. They were not drenched in his word. They were exposed. As seeds we cannot allow ourselves to be exposed. We must be in Jesus Christ. We must abide or dwell in him and allow his word to abide in us. That way he becomes our covering. (Matthew 3:1-20) Dr Claudette King Day 7: Eagles are born into destiny
Eagles are born into destiny therefore, they must prepare for the life of soaring which lies ahead. From hatchling to mature eagle involves varied stages, each with its own process, each critical for the eagle to reaching its destiny. Similarly, the saint adopted in the family of God is also born into destiny and is required to prepare for the life of spiritual heights which lies ahead. Processing is necessary for matriculation. There is greatness in everyone of us, and we have no excuse, we must attain to the level #whereonlyeaglesdare Dr Claudette King Day 6: Eagles are equipped for purpose
Every characteristic of the eagle is designed with its purpose in mind. God in his infinite wisdom ensured that everything they needed to fulfil their purpose was locked in their design. That is an awesome thought, for indeed, we too are designed with purpose in mind. God has already placed everything we need to be who he has called, ordained and purposed us to be within us. Are you called to sing, you have the ability within you, are you called to teach, you have the ability within you, are you called to help others, the ability to do it is locked within you. Whatever God has purposed you to be, is locked in you. If there is a pull to intercede, you have the ability to pray and effect change in the lives of others, your family, your workplace, your ministry, the kingdom of God, countries and your life, it is already within you. You, like the eagle are built for purpose. I beseech you to move into the ordained purpose of God and attain to #WhereOnlyEaglesDare Dr Claudette King Day 5: Eagles know their potential
The inherent ability of the eagle seems to be mutual to its knowledge and awareness of itself. The hare, rabbit, wild deer and other smaller animals know they could be hunted and killed at any time, so they eat, drink and move always with a watchful eye, being aware of their place on the food chain, They know the laws of the jungle is about survival of the fittest, and sometimes the fastest and most watchful. The lion however walks with pride, without checking over its shoulder as he knows he is king of the jungle. But the eagle, having no predator will attack any animal, even a lion, and a convocation of eagles are unstoppable. They know their place and their potential, they know their strength and that they can take down any animal, small or large. Do you know your place in the kingdom of God? Are you aware of the power you have and the abilities you possess? #WhereOnlyEaglesDare Dr Claudette King 7 Day Countdown to #WhereOnlyEaglesDare. Day 4:Eagles depend on God for protection and renewal5/11/2017 Eagles depend on God for protection and renewal
Mentioned 25 times in its singularity and 9 times in its plurality, the eagle's significance is unequalled. When we consider this bird and what is written about it in the scriptures, it's worth drawing comparisons to our Christian Walk. Deuteronomy 32:11-12 says, as an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings taketh them, beareth them on her wings: so the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange God with him. Just as the eagle stirs up the next of her young, provides protection with extended wings, as well as nurses her young so too does the Lord watch over us to protect us, provide for and care for us. Moses likens God's care for us to that of the eagle caring for her young. Showing that when we were totally dependent on God, looking only to him for our sustenance and protection, guidance and covering, there was no strange idol found in our heart. Just as God feeds the eagle, so too does he feed us. When we eat of him, we are renewed. #WhereOnlyEaglesDare Dr Claudette King Bring Forth After Your Kind:
The laws of nature dictates certain things to be the natural order of things. Apple trees bring forth apples, pear trees produces pears and so on. Unless there is an introduction from a foreign source to tamper with the natural order (engrafting), things operate within the laws of nature. This law extends to the animal, bird, reptile, mammals and amphibian Kingdoms; the thing produced, bears resemblance to that from which it emanated. So it is also in the spiritual, as eagle Christians, what we produce is inextricably linked to how high we fly. How high we fly is dependent on what we have eaten and what we have eaten is based on what we spent our time seeking after. Just as the eagle, spends time seeking after the carcass, we also should spend time seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, his presence, his word, his anointing, his inspiration, his will and everything that pertains to him. The eagle is then able to eat of the body and take the organs rich in nutrients, so too we should also eat of the word, which is Jesus, who is able to cleanse, wash and make us strong. The eagle then is able to fly at dizzying heights, to perform the rituals necessary for reproduction. Please note, the reproduction rituals of the eagle can ONLY be performed in the air and at staggering heights. Then they will be able to reproduce after their kind. We too must soar on a zephyr higher than we have been before, to allow us to reproduce and to reproduce after our kind. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. As Christ has borne us, we should also bear his image and bring forth others who will also bear the image of Jesus Christ. #WhereOnlyEaglesDare Dr Claudette King Who Are You?
An eagle born in captivity will lack the knowledge of what it means to soar on a zephyr. Being fed by its caged masters, it will not know what it means to hunt for its meal, and having no choice of its meal, will eat things already dead, losing the opportunity to take the live prey, eating of a freshly slain carcass still warm. However, an eagle born in the wild, will learn how to adapt in its natural habitat. It will go through the necessary fledgling process to develop its innate instincts. It will know how to fly into the wind and how to land on a branch. It will discover its ability to soar and to dive at speeds of 200 miles per hour in chase of a prey, without losing sight of it, as its eyesight will adjust in flight as needed. it will know how to hunt and learn how to take the prey, freshly slain, eating of the vital organs rich in nutrients. Both captive and free are the same, they are both eagles, but one would have hone its skills and be a master of its craft, while the other will not know its ability or potential. So it is with us as saints, when we allow ourselves to become captive to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh or the pride of life, we fail to develop our God-potential, the spiritual attributes we possess that will make us who we are in God. It is necessary then to take of the freedom which Christ's blood provides in order for us to discover who we truly are. #WhereOnlyEaglesDare Dr Claudette King I was sat watching Tipping Point on ITV while scrolling through Twitter when I saw the heading “Have you mastered servant hood to the person God has assigned you? The heading was accompanied by a photo of Dr Mike Murdock addressing a crowd. This caught my eye because lately I have been asking myself about the dynamics of leadership and serving. I have been having many long monologues in my bathroom and in the mirror with myself, and if I am the only one who does that, then I have just confirmed what was long suspected, I am crazy. Somehow I am sure we all at some point speak with and to ourselves especially when the vicissitudes of life causes us to question what we knew or believed. When people we looked up to and respected disappoints us and we are left wondering, what happened or where did that come from? Well, recent occurrences have caused me to question many things where servant hood leadership is concerned. Let me first say that I am a big believer in serving. Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I am a servant and will serve faithfully. However of late, I have noticed a trend with leaders, and I am particularly qualified to speak on this topic as I have spent many years serving leaders, to be specific pastors. What I have noticed is that pastors want us to serve and be faithful. They want us to carry out instructions to the letter and often without allowing their words to fall to the ground. Nevertheless, it seems the moment we demonstrate having our own opinion, or aim to provide suggestions or recommendations, or even dare to ask a question; it is deemed as “challenging the leader”. I am struggling with this; for even God allows me to ask him questions. Which of us can say we have never questioned God? We can’t, for we all have. Somewhere along the line it seems leaders have morphed into a sect of people who demand respect instead of behave in a way that will earn our respect. They demand total obedience, yet they abruptly dismiss suggestions, recommendations or ideas that are not parallel to their desires and requirements. Every good leader should know, people need to feel included and that their ideas are at least listened to and sometimes even implemented. Leaders demand loyalty, yet will discuss private issues with their spouse, peers or even other leaders without the permission of the individual and the problem with this is, people talk, so often what was discussed will get back to the individual who is then left feeling betrayed or worst, lose confidence in the leader. They demand submission without a show of humility themselves. But the saints are following you, so if you are puffed up, why would you expect those you are leading to be any different. They demand service without demonstrating appreciation and when the server decides, this isn’t working and changes their attitude towards the leader, they are treated with disdain and made to feel cast aside. Leaders forget that the people who serve them actually belong to God and not to the them. The writer in the book of Psalms declares, "Know ye not that the LORD he is God, it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves, we are his (God’s) people and the sheep of his (God’s ) pasture". Psalm 100:3 Whilst, I am a server, I have grown weary of leaders who wants me to serve yet they do not exercise wisdom in their leadership. I am tired of giving my all in service to leaders who themselves need much training in how to “handle” God’s people. And I cannot overemphasise my complete lack of tolerance with leaders who still think that throwing stones from the pulpit by addressing things which happened between them and a saint is the correct way to deal with issues. May I say, it is not! For the church service setting is one that does not allow for responses to be given during a sermon. Therefore, for someone who seemingly has the “power” at the moment, because they are the ones in the pulpit with the microphone, to address issues between them and a saint is proving that leader to be nothing but a novice in leadership and these novices tear up the church then wonder why saints leave. Hello! We have transitioned to a place where serving and being manipulated seems to have a very thin dividing line. We want to serve, not be manipulated. Therefore, in answering the question asked in the heading of “Have you mastered servant hood to the person God has assigned you? I want to ask, have leaders, pastors in particular to whom God has assigned us, mastered how to wisely lead God’s people? This is crucial. For we will follow the leader and serve loyally, however, being the leader does not become a free pass to being rude, unappreciative, lacking in confidence, unwise and demonstrating immaturity behind the podium. Being the leader is not an all access free pass to do whatever you want. For in doing so, you will one day turn around and realise, you have no one following you. And with no one following, you are not leading, you are going for a stroll. (Bishop Norman L Wagner). Servant hood requires leaders with a servant hood heart, otherwise, the risk of crossing over that very thin line into manipulating the people of God is quite possible. Dr Claudette King Author, Itinerant Speaker, Seminar Presenter, Anointed Teacher This morning I got a call from a lady who wanted to register for a bootcamp I am running on self-publishing without breaking the bank, (from my book of the same name. While we talked about her book and the ventures she has in the pipeline, she diverted to to a topic that truly blessed my heart. She said, oh and you know you're book about the church and administration (Order in the Church), I read it, then I gave it to some other people to read, at which point I said, no, you should tell them to get their own copies. |
Morning Inspiration:
Thursday Don't be hasty to walk away during your marital struggles, for those struggles are like seasons, they are bound to change. Dr Claudette King Morning Inspiration:
Wednesday There are some things in life that are just too weighty to carry and proves an uphill battle. Unforgiveness; brokenness; hurt; pain; hatred and bitterness. When released, life becomes an enjoyable journey. Dr Claudette King Morning Inspiration: Double-up Tuesday
Never feel pressured to offer explanations to people who don't care about what you say any way. You will waste your life trying to impress people who will never change their opinion of you. Dr Claudette King Morning Inspiration: Don't become the marionette for those who are playing the song of your demise. Play your own song, pull your own strings. Set your own trends, create your own opportunities. Be greater than they expect you to be. Dr Claudette King Morning Inspiration:
Sunday You are licensed and authorised to be the best and only authentic coming of you. Being anyone else is uncharted territory for which you are unlicensed and unauthorised, you are bound to fail. Be true to yourself. Dr Claudette King Morning Inspiration: Wednesday 7/05/11
Procrastination is the killer of all dreams. It delays with a deceptive embrace of comfort, while time ticks on and dreams remain unrealised. Dr Claudette King Morning Inspiration:
Tuesday 6/05/14 Often we can be limited by our natural sight, even to the detriment of realising our vision. It is indeed a true loss to have sight yet lack vision. Dr Claudette King Personal MottoEverything in God must move! Move to impact lives, not just our lives, but that of our families, our communities, our countries, the nations and the world at large"
=============== "Time management is a misnomer, one cannot manage what he cannot control. One must therefore learn to manage himself within the time he has been given" "Remember all the people who are depending on you to be in a place where you hear God. They will either live or die according to your ability to hear God." Archives |